Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Journal of Cloud Computing and Applications Research

Aims and scope

Journal of Cloud Computing and Applications Research is an international refereed journal quarterly online open access by KMF that will publish research articles on all aspects of Cloud Computing and Applications. The journal addresses a range of major topics that are of considerable importance to both research and business communities. Cloud computing has benefited from the global growth of the Internet and in the continued exponential expansion of computing and storage capabilities. By allowing end users to run office and programming applications on remote servers without the tedium of local installation and upgrade, end users benefit from a highly efficient computing environment that provides centralised storage, software applications, memory, processing power and speed through bandwidth. Principally, articles will address topics that are core to Cloud Computing, focusing on the Cloud applications, the Cloud systems, and the advances that will lead to the Clouds of the future. Comprehensive review and survey articles that offer up new insights, and lay the foundations for further exploratory and experimental work, are also relevant. Published articles will impart advanced theoretical grounding and practical application of Clouds and related systems as are offered up by the numerous possible combinations of internet-based software, development stacks and database availability, and virtualized hardware for storing, processing, analysing and visualizing data. Where relevant, Clouds should be scrutinized alongside other paradigms such Peer to Peer computing, Cluster computing, Grid computing, and so on. Thorough examination of Clouds with respect to issues of management, governance, trust and privacy, and interoperability, are also in scope. The global, service oriented nature of cloud computing implies particular difficulties in achieving compliance with disparate legal and regulatory frameworks designed to ensure privacy and related safeguards. To that end, the journal publishes high quality, peer-reviewed papers in this area, covering a wide range of balanced research topics discussing this important emerging field including the benefits, concerns, technical, legal, moral and political issues involved.

KMF Publication Ethics Statement

Journal of Cloud Computing and Applications Research is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. KMF takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure to add high quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. Unfortunately, cases of plagiarism, data falsification, inappropriate authorship credit, and the like, do arise. KMF takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously and our editors are trained to proceed in such cases with a zero tolerance policy. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journals, we use latest software to check submissions against previous publications.

Book Reviews

Authors and publishers are encouraged to send review copies of their recent related books to the following address. Received books will be listed as Books Received within the journal’s News & Announcements section.

Copyright / Open Access

Articles published in Journal of Cloud Computing and Applications Research will be Open-Access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution Law. The copyright is retained by the author(s). KMF will insert the following note at the end of the published text:

© 2020 by the authors; licensee KMF. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution Law.


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Announcement and Advertisement

Announcements regarding academic activities such as conferences are published for free in the News & Announcements section of the journal. Advertisement can be either published or placed on the pertinent website.