Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

How to Promote Your Article

How to Promote Your Article after It Is Published

Congratulations on the publication of your article. The next important phase is to promote your article and make it more visible to the research community. Promoting research itself is an important part of the research and helps papers to have more impact and be cited more often. We will work with you to promote your research to a wide audience.

What You Can Do to Promote Your Article

There are a number of options you can chose from to promote and share your article:

  • Share your article on various social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Mendeley by clicking the links on the article webpage.
  • Share the article link directly with colleagues and peers in your field.
  • Add a link to your article in your email signature.
  • Set up your profile on academic research-sharing platforms, such as SciProfiles, ResearchGate,, SSRN, or Google Scholar and add a short lay summary of your article.
  • Register an ORCID author identifier and add the article information to your profile.
  • Deposit your article to repositories (such as any run by your university) to make your research more discoverable.
  • Update your personal and institutional websites by adding the title and a link of your article.
  • Present your publication at conferences in the form of a presentation or a poster.
  • Blog about your research.
  • Produce a video abstract giving a brief introduction to your article.
  • Ask your institution or society to post your paper on their social media accounts, and include a story about your paper in their newsletters.
  • Find a Wikipedia page on a topic related to your article, and add a reference to your paper

What We Do to Promote Your Article

KMF takes a number of actions to promote articles and extend the reach of authors’ research.

  • All articles are immediately available worldwide under an open access license, giving maximum visibility.
  • Indexing databases receive article information from KMF to increases readership and citations.
  • Metadata and other information is passed on to partnering organizations.
  • Editors and reviewers are notified as soon as your paper is published.
  • Articles are listed in the journal’s Table of Contents Alerts and sent to regular subscribers.
  • Multiple formats are available for each article, including machine-readable XML, PDF, and Epub.
  • If you posted a preprint version on, we will update the abstract page and PDF to link to the published article.
  • Interactive commenting and recommendation functions are available on all article abstract pages to encourage open scientific discussions.
  • The latest research is communicated via social media platforms (e.g., Twitter). We can also post custom messages at your request.
  • We will automatically add the article to your profile on the academic research-sharing platform.
  • Selected articles are reprinted for promotion at conferences and other events.

Many Special Issues are compiled into books, which are announced via social media, available for purchase in hard copy, and displayed at conferences.